Weblog abonnieren

Sorry world....
Some of us — hopefully most of us — are trying to understand and appreciate the effect our recent election will have on you, the citizens of the rest of the world. As our so-called leaders redouble their efforts to screw you over, please remember that some of us — hopefully most of us — are truly, truly sorry. And we'll say we're sorry, even on the behalf of the ones who aren't.
empi meinte am 5. Dez, 15:30:
nach dem anfänglichen begeisterungssturm is hier ein bissl leere eingekehrt... ;-( 
fritzlbua antwortete am 5. Dez, 17:46:
stimmt -
meine zwischenzeitlicher Titel "Verweigerung" trifft grade wieder zu...
Na wird schon wieder! 
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